Steam Disaster: Battlefield 2042 still sets up a sad record
Battlefield 2042 struggles with huge problems - and players seem slow enough. A look at the current game numbers on Steam shows how bad it really stands around the shooter. Battlefield 2042: on Steam less than 2,000 players Can Battlefield 2042 still get the curve? Battlefield 2042: on Steam less than 2,000 players Battlefield 2042 seems to tighten in the propellant sand. The more developers try to turn the disaster, the more the game sinks in insignificance. Now the shooter has reached another negative record on Steam, which impressively demonstrates how many players Battlefield 2042 have already swept the back. According to SteamDB statistics, is the number of simultaneous players in recent days actually slipped under 2,000 - an alarm signal for the developers (Source: SteamDB). Although at Origin, the Xbox and the PlayStation a total of even more players are likely to frolate, but also here the number of players will continue to decrease. Incidentally, this is not the f...