Battlefield 2042 showed me how much I still love Battlefield 3

Let's make it short: I can not stand Battlefield 2042. Nevertheless, I am grateful EAS new shooter, because he driven me back to the arms of a now 11-year-old love: Battlefield 3. Ein Comment by Robert Kohlick.

Battlefield 2042? No thank you!

What I was looking forward to Battlefield 2042. Finally, a modern setting, finally full of focus on the multiplayer - finally a real battlefield! Man, I was naive...

What DICE has delivered at the end would hardly have been further away from my wishes and dreams. The cards do not fit to the game modes, vehicles are far too strong - and from the problems for the launch we rather not start. Already after 10 hours I was clear to me: I hate Battlefield 2042 . And shortly thereafter, my shooter hope of last year was already uninstalled.

But what now? Wait for the developers to roll the game completely completely? Hopeless. Waiting for the next part and hope that it gets better? Oh, come, let be good!

Instead, the nostalgia machine was moving in my brain. I remembered how much fun I had with Battlefield 3 at that time . As I crashed myself in Rush mode on Damavand Peak from the Heli platform to prevent the next Mcoms. Or as I tried with 31 team members to finally take the main hall over the stairs in Metro, which was mercilessly defended by our opponents.

Whether players still romp on the servers today? There was only one way to find out.

Better than BF 2042: Battlefield 3 (PC) at Amazon

_Bock on a small nostalgia trip? Then just a look at this gameplay trailer on the Map Caspian Border: _

OG Battlefield Devs HATE Battlefield 2042.

Battlefield 3 lives! And it still bucks

After the download was completed, I searched for a sign of the community in the server browser. And lo and behold, it was not just server online, some of them were still well filled.

So I quickly crowned the next vacant slot and a few seconds later I found myself on his crossing - Finally I was back home! But Battlefield 3 really is still fun 10 years later? Yes, and how! The gunplay, the cards, classes, the vehicles, the weapons - just everything felt so much better for me in direct comparison with Battlefield 2042.

That may be because I spent in Battlefield 3 about 20 times as much time , but I can assure you: In contrast to the latest offshoot Battlefield 3 at that time already in the first 10 hours in his spell can draw. And contrary to my expectations, the shooter still creates that today - as well as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

And the reason is the same: In Battlefield 3 I almost always feel like mastering the situation . I can read the situation, understand her and knows what I have to do. I had this feeling in Battlefield 2042 at any time. Instead, everything felt like the pure chaos - and I was in the middle of it, as Schureless as never before.

Who makes it similar in Battlefield 2042, I can only warmly attach heart to dig up one of the old parts. Because, honest, everything is better than Battlefield 2042 - even hardline.


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