Kena Bridge of Spirits: Preload and installation size of the PS5

After various shifts, the action adventure Kena: Bridge of Spirits developed by the Ember Labs will finally see the light of day in the coming month.

Already today skipped by how much free space you should reserve on the Playstation 5 for Kena: Bridge of Spirits. How PlayStation Size reports, the fantasy adventure on the PS5 is 17,052 Gigabyte. It should be noted that we only have it to be dealing with the game here. A possible day-one update would be added.

Preload starts just before the release

Furthermore, it says that Kena: Bridge of Spirits will make use of the Preload feature. Accordingly, the preload for pre-orderers on 19 September 2021. The release takes place two days later and thus on September 21, 2021. will appear Kena: Bridge of Spirits for the PC, the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5.

on the subject : Kena Bridge of Spirits: About a Physical Collector's Edition is thought

As recently promised, we may look forward to a machining and emotional history in the latest work from Ember Labs. Kena supports the spirits continue to help. It is very nice and these characters have all real injuries. I was really surprised by the depth of emotional storytelling, says synchronizer act fennel.

You see how people can fight with their pain and where they can lead if they do not get around properly. I think the players will be surprised by the depth, intensity and emotions here , was finally called .

???? Kena: Bridge of Spirits (PS5)

▶ ️ Download Size: 17.052 GB (WidoT Day One Patch)

???? Pre-Load: September 19 ???? Launch: September 21

???? # PS5 #kenabridgeofspirits ⬜ @emberlab

  • Playstation Game Size (@playstationSize) August 26, 2021

Other news about Kena: Bridge of Spirits.

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