Kena Bridge of Spirits: Developers talk about the possibility of a sequel

After the various shifts in the past, the picturesque indie adventure Kena: Bridge of Spirits will finally be published for the PlayStation platforms and the PC.

In an interview with the Soulvision Magazine, the co-founders of the responsible developer studio Ember Labs, Mike and Josh Grier spoke about their plans for the future and pointed out that we probably not with a direct sequel to Kena: Bridge of Spirits should expect. Instead, the developers would rather pursue the approach to pick up the basic gameplay of the title as well as the type of storytelling again and incorporate into the work on a completely new brand.

The story should be continued in other media

In addition, the creative heads of the Ember Labs pursue the goal of exploring the world of Kena: Bridge of Spirits in other media. It's a way to explore it and integrate it into a linear experience like a TV program or a movie, Josh Grier outlined. However, the Ember Labs have nothing to announce.

on the subject : Kena Bridge of Spirits: Preload and installation size of the PS5 version confirmed

Math Teacher Turns Professional Gamer: Akamarured (Shadowverse) Especially since once again waiting to be seen how Kena: Bridge of Spirits is included in the end of the players and the critics. The release of the promising action adventure will be made on 21 September 2021 for the PC, the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5.

Source: The Gamer

Other news about Kena: Bridge of Spirits.

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