Blood of heroes played: That s how it fights by opponents

Brachial battles, interesting cosmetics items and lots of action. This promises Blood of heroes. But the promise is also redeemed?

The online yard market has been highly contested and extracted from the crowd on games without having a large brand in the background, sometimes a difficult entertainment is undertaking. The team of Vizor Games from Belarus has just made himself with Blood of Heroes. After all, the Open Beta of the game has started, we also collected our first camphor experiences. Whether and how the title has fallen, you will learn now.

Why is?

BLOOD OF HEROES (NEW FOR HONOR?) Open Beta Gameplay 1vs1 DUELS *4K ULTRA Graphics RTX 3090* Blood of heroes is basically what you can call a pure multiplayer spectacle. There is not a story really. The focus is on martial struggles in arenas without grace. It just counts the victory. So if you seek some kind of plot or want to follow a red thread, here is wrong. Instead, we can grab a character, a weapon and get rid of other players with the ax to draw a new vertex or otherwise worried on the battlefield for chaos.

1.2 or 3? Which warrior can it be?

At the beginning of the game, we may choose from three different warriors, with whom we want to start our rays through numerous arenas. On the election, Ratkha, a typical front fighter, which can accommodate it with several opponents at once, praised, a fiendish warrior for the second row with healing capabilities and Renar, almost a mix of both without healing possibilities. In addition, further stretches can be unlocked if we have the necessary financial resources in the game or strike directly in the shop against Bare coin.

But before it starts, it is advisable to play the tutorial, because Blood of Heroes is something else. We were already aware of us that everything is really about fighting and victories, but the tutorial conveys the impression that it is an action adventure. Do not be fooled by it. The exercises serve to familiarize you with the control, because only the at least struggles take place on a flat surface without obstacles.

It is played alone, in the team or with many

If the introduction of the action games survived, we have the choice between three different game modes. 1-counter-1, 3-against-3 and domination. While the first two types of species do not raise any questions, it is a mode in which the opponents need not only have to be defeated, but also have to be taken in the arena to win the round. In addition, we may compete against friends from our own team. However, we would not recommend to start it directly with a duel 1-counter-1. For this mode you need a lot of experience and can not rely on the support of team members, otherwise you end like us and look faster the radishes from below when you love you.

It lacks something to strength and wumms

But now enough with the gray theory and purely in the fighting case. We decided to override Renar in a roughening with a total of six warriors. After waiting for some time to find appropriate teammates, it started directly. Like the Berserkers, we are directly launched, which is added slightly more leisurely than expected, and have tried to roean the first opponent with the ax one. But nothing there, our opponent has closed the blow skilfully and in turn scheduled a mighty swinger. Before we knew what happened at all, we were already on the ground. Luckily one of our allies immediately hurried to help and has assayed our counterparty for all the rules of art.

We had to get used to that. The game pace is generally slightly lower and blind turning only leads to success only in the rarest cases. But as soon as we understood that block, counter and dodge are as important as strong and light attacks as well as fern attacks, it has made it click and we skilfully crushed a few opposing kasion bars. Thanks to the lock-on feature, hardly attacks went wrong. However, the entire combat system is still a little wood and requires a belonging portion of finishing, because not always 100 percent can be seen why a certain action did not work. In addition, the game lacks a certain degree of power. Over wide stretches, the attacks feel the same and can only be distinguished from each other through longer and other animation phases. We have therefore quickly switched from keyboard and mouse to the controller to get at least another kind of feedback.

Without cosmetics, nothing works today

Outside the fighting, the game keeps everything ready for the common player to expect today. The characters can be optically upgraded by a variety of cosmetic things and equip them with new weapons. There are also daily and weekly tasks such as a certain number of enemies destroy. What has surprised us positively at this point are the personalization possibilities of their own arena. As soon as we have enough resources, we can change the martial site according to our own ideas including the weather conditions. It reminds a bit of the Housing system of large MMORPGs and gives the whole a personal touch.

Beautiful dying with Blood of Heroes

Visually, Blood of Heroes can convince. The characters are detailed and move supple through the environment. In the fighting, however, it would like to be able to be a few movements more. But the game does not hang with a red life juice. The surrounding area sometimes seems a bit sterile and karg, but that plays in the marty rather a subordinate role. However, if we optically upgrade our own arena, it already leaves a very different impression. Voice output is as good as no and away from the typical combat noise sounds more or less rousing combat music in the background. The earwig character has none of the musical works.


Until Blood of Heroes can mix on the front ranks, a lot of work and time still need to be invested. Good approaches are available and fighting is quite fun, but there is still a fine grinding so that the game stands out of the crowd. Especially the competition with for Honor has laid the bar very high, but the developers of Vizor Games understand their craftsmanship and to the official release will take a few weeks, so we look positively in the future. Blood of heroes could become the game for people who have no time for MMORPGs, but still looking for faster action with powerful warriors.

Now to the website of Blood of heroes!


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