Intensive monitoring of abuse of ICT control such as semiconductor and platform chairman Han Ki -jung
Han King, chairman of the Fair Trade Commission, said, We will focus on the abuse of market dominance in the field of information and communication technology (ICT), such as semiconductor and platforms, and actively block collisions directly related to national life and industrial competitiveness.
Chairman Han said in a national audit of the National Assembly's Fair Trade Commission, saying, We will strictly sanction the fouls of the market that promotes market competition, forms artificial entry barriers, and undermines fair competition.
Chairman Han added, We will improve competition restrictions that restrict entry or restrict business activities to revitalize market innovation competition and support the company's business reorganization through rapid corporate combined review and system reform.
The group's group system will also be operated reasonably.
Chairman Han said, We strengthen the enforcement and surveillance of internal transactions that maintain and deepen economic concentration and provide unfairly preferential internal transactions, while providing law violation prevention training for new and newly transferred and designated corporate groups. I will do it.
He emphasized that the holding company's CVC system will be successfully settled in the market, which will support the activation of venture investment in large companies.
Chairman Han said, We will strengthen the fair trading base of SMEs, distribute subcontracting links agreements, and provide incentives, and spread autonomous supply prices in the market. · We will pursue comprehensive measures at all stages such as strengthening sanctions.
Chairman Han said, The monopoly abuse and unfair acts in the platform are strictly investigated and sanctioned under the current Fair Trade Act, and the difficulty of applying the current law is to materialize autonomous regulations in the field of Gap and consumers through private-centered social discussion organizations. We will support discussions by major industries so that we can do it.
Chairman Han said, In order to strengthen the surveillance of consumer deception in the field of digital platforms such as chief execution, we will expand the provision of information for consumers and provide one-stop safety certification information by ministries. · We will make efforts to prevent consumer damage in the field of close people's life, such as the corrective agreement, such as the delivery app.
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