God of War Ragnarok: All the locations of Horn of Mead in Svartalfheim

God of War Ragnarök is finally here, and with it comes a kingdom full of collectibles so that trophy hunters hinted the tooth. This includes the return of Horns of Mead, an element that, when it is collected, allows Rates to get even more angry to unleash the enemies of him. Here is everything you need to know about the locations of the entire horn in svartalfheim in God of War Ragnarök.

How to find Svartalfheim Horn of Blood Mead at God of War Ragnarök

In total, there are five Horn of Blood Mead's that can be found in Svartalfheim, and two of them are blocked behind the subsequent progression of the game. We have broken down the specific locations and how to get to them below.

Blood horn location #1 - Arranger wetlands

The first blood hydrofield horn that you will find in God of War Ragnarök will be close to the door that Rates needs to open when you first enter Svartalfheim while crossing the river in The Quest for Try. This is the Nordic chest #2 in the area, and can be resolved doing the following.

  • Hit the first rotating rune to the left of the chest to match the first symbol.
  • Freezes the layer to the right of the chest and select the correct rune.
  • Fight to the area to the left of the chest and select the third rune of NOR NIR.


Blood horn location #2-Alberich Island

Like the first, you will find this horn by Gummier in Svartalfheim during The Quest for Try. This is the NOR NIN #5 chest that can be found to this point, and is located on the first island, Alberio Island, on the right when you are on its way to Dublin. To unlock this chest, defeat the enemies in the area and complete the following:

  • Spears Rates to the rune that hangs to the right of Corner's chest.
  • Right in front of the Corner chest, presses square so that Duteous shoots a sonic arrow and then throws the ax from Rates to the rune that hangs behind her.
  • The rotating wheel a few times in the opposite direction to the clock needles until you can throw the axis in the race behind the door now open to the right.

location of blood Horn #3-Jarnsmida Pit mines

The next horn of hydrofield can be found after speaking with Dublin and going through Jasmina Pit mines, hidden in Corner Chest # 6. To get this, you must light braziers with Blade of Chaos de Kratos. Here are the exact steps:

  • Light the rune immediately to the left of the chest pointing the blades with L2 and pressing R2.
  • Remove your ax to lift the load container, grab and turn on the brazier.
  • Freeze the water as it originally did to cross the load container and see a brazier right at the bottom of the wheel.

location of blood Horn # 4-The Forge (Requires Draper Spear)

You cannot reach the fourth of the Horn of Mead locations in God of War Ragnarök’s Svartalfheim until you complete the Forging Destiny mission, which is a little more than half of the game. Once you have gone so far, you can reach NOR NIR's chest #8:

  • Go to the Corner chest next to the green heart and destroy the rune throwing the spear to the rock on the opposite right side of the chest.
  • Look to the left and hit the rune in the cliff next to the wooden posts.
  • Turn from the Corner chest and go to the left and hits the rune with the spear.

location of blood Horn #5-The Apple core (Requires Draper Spear)

Gummier's fifth and last horn in the location of Svartalfheim of God of War Ragnarok once again requires that you complete the mission forging the destination. Once this is done, return to The Apple core until it reaches the location on the map above using the elevator, where you will find Corner Chest # 10.

  • Ship your throw to the tip and go up to find the chest.
  • Look to the left, and you will see two of the runes hanging on the platforms.
  • Low on the cornice to the right of the chest and throw your spear to the third rune.

And that is all you need to know about the locations of the entire Hydrofield horn in svartalfheim in God of War Ragnarök. If you are still looking for more about the game, be sure to consult our guides about what to do first, who were The voice actors and more, then.

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